Mindful Consulting and Mentoring: Learning from Experience

Receive Expert Guidance and Support in Alignment with Company or Individual Goals

Mindful Life, Mindful Work, Inc. offers consulting and mentoring services to teams, leaders, individual professionals, and small businesses seeking expert council in various workplace situations and environments. The MLMW Team advises professionals on how to make their work more effective through applying mindfulness-informed approaches. Mentorship is an important part of growing personally and professionally, and for those of us that feel as if we are working in isolation, we seldom get sufficient support from experienced colleagues. Mindful Consulting and Mentoring is designed to be a seamless response to this gap in professional development... getting another perspective is sometimes all we need to take our work to the next level.


Increase the effectiveness of your work by partnering with an MLMW Consultant and Mentor who will advise you on how to implement mindfulness and/or mindful principles and practices designed to make your business life and work more impactful, profitable, and sustainable.

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Mindful Life, Mindful Work, Inc.

P.O. Box 784, Mill Valley, CA 94942